meeting guide

Thank you all for meeting with me today. My name is Chase Francis, I am the Founder of CFGROOVE Digital Agency. I use web design, digital ads, and social media to elevate businesses like yours. With Northgate’s impressive portfolio in commercial construction, my goal is to work with you to build a digital presence that’s as solid as the buildings y’all create.

I build responsive* and user-friendly websites that adapt to any device or browse.  These websites showcase your work, drive engagement and get you more leads. My design strategies combined with digital marketing make sure that Northgate reaches a wider audience, and attracts more clients and projects.

Now that the foundation is set, would y’all please introduce yourselves?

A couple selling points on my agency that differ from everyone else. 

  • you own the website after payment is complete, other agencies own your website and if you decide to go with someone else, you’ll have to make a new one
  • you deal with me, only me, not 100 different developers or designers


WAIT and LISTEN then,

Now, I’ll ask a few questions, one at time and then will proceed to what services I think would serve NorthGate Construction well. 

  • Why is this project important to your business?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how crucial is solving this issue for your success?
  • What’s been holding you back from achieving this goal so far?
  • Who is your target audience, and what are their primary needs?


Legal Pages


Social Media
On Page SEO

one time fees

$5000 – Website

$200 – Legal Pages

$500 – On Page SEO

$300 – GMB Creation/Optimization


$100 – Monthly Maintenance Package

$300 – Monthly Social Media (+$50 / Additional SM)

$100 – Monthly GMB

20% Ad Spend – Monthly

$120 – Yearly Legal Pages


600% increase in organic traffic – 1 min

– Project cost was 3k for website design and development

– averages 16 leads a month now

– average job net = 800

Mindful counseling

how we brought 36 leads to a counseling center for only $600 in 1 month – 3 min

MC Master Roofing

79 to 4,754 impressions in 90 days – 1 min

AP Shades

Terrible on page score > 100 and speed increases – 3 min

Chic Staffing